Give and Give More

(Prayer offered on the Public Address system for the entire La Salle Academy educational community on Wednesday morning, 11 April 2018)

Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of a loving God

 “Give and Give, even and especially when you don’t think you can give anymore.”  The first principal who hired me years ago–a Christian Brother by the name of Thomas Casey—had those words on a poster in his office.  I remember thinking how foolish and silly they seemed when I first read them over a decade ago.  After all, everything about our society tells us to measure our actions and choices by how we will benefit from them or not.  So often before we give, we think…how will this affect me?  How much time or money will it cost me? Or emotionally, is this worth it for me?

 My favorite example of “Give and give more” happened a couple of years ago on my first service trip with La Salle Academy students.  We were volunteering at the De La Salle Blackfeet School in Browning, Mt.  Most of the students there are poor.  Often, their parents struggle with alcoholism or drug dependency.  All of the students receive free breakfast and lunch.  Anyway, one day at lunch, I sat at a table of fifth graders to eat with them.  I remember finishing the granola bar I had packed and mumbling something about still being hungry.  In an instant, the boy seated next to me reached for his cookie and offered it  to me.  Without hesitation or calculation, he shared the little he had.  He taught me something that day about giving, about generosity, and about purity of heart.

That boy was like the poor widow for me—reaching into his need and sharing all that he had.  I wonder if this kind of generosity is what is meant by the Scripture verse  “Unless a grain of wheat dies, it will not bear fruit.”  Maybe it’s that when we give without thinking of ourselves, we die to our own interests and let God’s will and unconditional love and mercy fill our lives.

Let us pray:

Loving God, we give ourselves to you–our gifts and talents, our time, our energy, all that we are and have.  In those moments when we are tempted to be selfish or stingy, when we are tired or lazy, give us pure, generous hearts so that we may give without counting the cost.   You, O God, are all we need.

St. John Baptist de La Salle: Pray for us

Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever!

Christine Estes—Director of Campus Ministry