“Listen to Yourself….”

After a long and fruitful life Maya Angelou died on Wednesday, 28 May, at 86 years of age.  She was an educator and a poet, an activist and actress.  I saw her twice in person and both times she moved me by the lyricism of her voice and the power of her story.   I will never forget the stories of her childhood when, in a deep and resounding voice, she told us how she had been voiceless for so many years.  She is a heroine for every child who is told that he or she is not good enough, for every young person betrayed by a “family” member or persecuted by a repressive educational system.

May her voice never again be silenced even in death!

The New York Times offers a thorough review of her impact on all of life.  See the special section compiled by them.

Only Maya Angelou could leave us this final message:


Brother Frederick Mueller