The Hero Inside

(Prayer offered on the Public Address system for the entire La Salle Academy educational community on Tuesday morning, 17 October 2017—International Lasallian Days of Prayer for Peace)

Let us remember that we are in the Holy presence of a loving God.

As you all know, we are near the end of the Month for Peace. Here at La Salle, we have had a few events to pray for peace such as prayer by the flag pole outside the field house and the release of a rosary made with biodegradable balloons. It was truly beautiful! And I would like to thank all those who participated and organized these activities for giving us all the opportunity of being part of a movement for peace— peace, something that often times seems so elusive. As most of you know, I come from Spain and unfortunately my country is going through a phase of great turmoil and it breaks my heart. But it is not only my country that is experiencing such lack of peace; it is happening in so many places across the world and in our own communities. I am aware that one person alone cannot change the world but one person alone can change someone’s world and in turn this second person can change someone else’s life and hopefully this can be the beginning of a chain effect. I am not going to ask you today to accomplish enormous feats, I am talking about small shows of kindness, opening a door, asking how someone’s day is going, offering a helping hand, and do not forget the power of a smile (as Maddie Hopkins said in her prayer a couple of weeks ago). I consider myself extremely lucky because I receive so often these acts of kindness here, in our Academy! One of my favorites is when we are in homeroom and one of my students, in a very loud voice, wishes a fantastic day to everyone in class. I have to say, that there is no better way to start the day. I feel that love for each other, and it makes me happy, it makes me feel … yes… peaceful!

Never forget that we all have a hero inside us waiting to be released to change someone’s world for the better, because, as my AP Students know, being a hero is being a regular person who achieves something remarkable for others, just like mom and dad!

Let us pray the prayer for the International Lasallian Days for Peace:

Saint John Baptist de La Salle…pray for us.

Live Jesus in our hearts…forever.

Mercedes DiMascio–World Languages Department Chair

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